Policy Database

Pioneer Valley Cohousing Policy by topic

Record Type
Policy by topic
Community Name
Pioneer Valley Cohousing
Community Type
Community Category
Move In Year
Policy Revision Year
Type of Policy Revision
Committee / Teams
Committees and work teams make decisions by consensus. Any decision of a committee/work team may be appealed by any member, first to that committee/work team and, if no resolution is achieved, to the General Meeting. Committees: (The community has not approved any general statement about the responsibilities and powers of committees except that implied by their budgets). Annex Building: development and use of the wood shop/arts & crafts building Buildings & Grounds: maintenance, repair and improvement of our buildings and grounds, and to contract with vendors to meet those needs; trash, recycling and snow removal Common House: beauty, order and the well-functioning of the Common House and all its spaces. Communications: communication among members, including the calendar, phone, email and birthday lists, phone tree, the bulletin boards, and newsletter. Community Support: helps the community deal with emotional and controversial issues; helps individuals mediate conflicts. Offers mediation, clearness and listenings. Design Review: reviews changes/additions to buildings and other community landscape features Finance: collect funds, pay bills, prepare and oversee budgets; maintain adequate reserves; legal and insurance concerns Garden: the development and use of the gardens; compost Hub: to oversee the accomplishment of the basic community work by the work teams and committees.. Kids: the quality of life of the children in the community; maintain any specifically designated kids spaces; arrange for child care for community meetings and events Meals: maintain the kitchen and food storage areas; organize the community meal system Landscape: planning, development and use of the land, particularly in relation to perennial planting. Laundry: maintain the laundry space Library: develop and maintain the community library Membership: maintain the waiting list and relations with Associate Members; respond to inquiries about the community Office Owners: use of the office building Social: consider the social life of the community; specifically to arrange activities for community holidays and retreats, arrange a rotation of social events hosted by committees or work teams Steering responsible for tracking community issues, preparing agendas for, and finding facilitators for General Meetings. Work Teams Work Team A: Rotate through a variety of community work. Work Team B: Rotate through a variety of community work. Work Team Monday: Cook and clean Monday meals. Work Team Wednesday: Cook and clean Wednesday meals. Ad Hoc Committees are temporary groups appointed by the General Meeting to research particular topics and generate proposals, or to accomplish a certain short term task. Ad Hoc committees may have a chairperson, or simply a convener who agrees to schedule the meeting(s) of the committee. Social groups may be organized to meet the needs and wants of members of the community. These groups are important to the well-being of the community, but they serve only at the will of their participants and have no delegated power or responsibilities.