Policy Database

Trillium Hollow Policy by topic

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Policy by topic
Community Name
Trillium Hollow
Community Type
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Move In Year
Policy Revision Year
Type of Policy Revision
Committee / Teams
Committees and Teams You are encouraged, and expected participate in at least one team. You can join any team. Trillium Hollow By-Laws state the requirement that every resident over the age of 15 participate as a member of at least one Team. Board of Directors The Board generally meets monthly. Additional meetings will be called, as required. Examples of Board responsibilities include: paying all bills and accounting for community income and expense; approving collection actions including liens against HOA members in arrears; working closely with Team Leads to provide guidance in interpreting issues of budget, legal and policy of the HOA; dealing with legal activities of the community including actions to enforce contracts with vendors; and instigating or responding to requests for Mediation and Arbitration as specified in the Bylaws. 2.1 Steering Team The purpose of the Steering Team is to oversee the daily operations of Trillium Hollow. The committee is responsible for referring issues to the appropriate teams; It operates as a clearing house for questions from community members, and it can handle community issues directly when the issue doesn't fit under an existing team's area of responsibility. From time to time the Steering Committee may take on the task of writing or revising a policy or supporting other community members as they take on that task. In addition, the Steering Committee draws up the agenda for the monthly H.O.A meeting with input from the team leaders and other community members. It is supported by a group of facilitators made up of community members who have been trained in the consensus process adopted by the community. This group assists the Steering Team in creating an agenda for each HOA meeting. Examples of Steering Committee responsibilities include: resolving of personal conflicts within the community which are affecting the fabric of the community; facilitating completion of non-financial or non-legal tasks assigned to committees; and assisting with non-legal and non-financial matters affecting the community as a whole. 2.2 Outreach Team Scope of work (adopted August 4, 2008 HOA) The Outreach Team was formed to increase public knowledge of co-housing and Trillium Hollow by serving as active advocates and educators; to support the sale and rental of units to co-housing minded people; and to work with Buddies to assist new residents (buyers and renters) in becoming fully functioning members in the community. Examples of Outreach activities include: doing PR for Trillium including website postings (creating, monitoring and updating website content), newspaper articles, news shows, community meetings, etc. (all Trillium advertising and literature); facilitating T-3’s--tea, talk, and tours--and providing other tours upon request; responding to messages left for Trillium on the Trillium telephone and e-mails coming through the web site addresses; creating and maintaining a Residents’ Manual; making sure interested potential residents are assigned a Buddy in a timely way, and coordinating with owners and Buddies in setting up Paths to the Neighborhood. Outreach maintains a list of interested potential residents/owners, based on inquiries and expressions of interest, to refer to when an owner decides to sell or lease their unit. When an owner decides to sell or rent: · They inform Outreach of their intention and request assistance (if needed) to update the Trillium Hollow web site with information about their offering. · They request that information be sent to the mailing list. · Owners have principal responsibility to contact and cultivate potential residents for their unit. Outreach should be called on to provide community information and access to community events as early in the process as possible. · They maintain contact with Outreach to stay current with new expressions of interest once the posting goes up on the Trillium Hollow web site. Owners work closely with Outreach and CEG to ensure that all steps of the PATH can be completed in a timely manner and prior to signing the contract and exchange of keys to the unit. Once the contract is signed and keys have been exchanged, Outreach will update the website to reflect the change in status of the unit. 2.3 Community Enrichment Group (CEG) Scope of work: approved by the HOA 08-03-08 Living in Community requires attention to building and maintaining the fabric of the community—the connections, the joy of living together, the ability to meet the challenges of living together, etc. The work of the Community Enrichment Group is to provide the members of the Trillium Hollow community with a series of opportunities to come together throughout the year for the following purposes: · To engage in conversations about what it means to live in community and why we have chosen to live here with each other. · To share information and other contributions that make our lives richer and more enjoyable as we live here in community · To play together and enjoy each others’ company; and · To learn from each other things that we have to share about subjects we care about. The principal work of the CEG is to coordinate with those wishing to offer something, to promote and encourage community members to participate (communication), to keep the “calendar of events” posted and clear, and to watch for opportunities for community members to enrich their ability to live together harmoniously and in a civil way. Special gatherings, like Solstice, End of Summer Bash and Founders’ Day Celebrations are coordinated by the CEG, and are important events supported by the whole community in design and preparation. CEG also provides a “home base” two groups supporting community cohesion: § Meal Club: for tasks and coordinators supporting the Meal Club, including the financial tasks and the monthly scheduling work. § The Buddies: Buddies are the representatives of Trillium Hollow with responsibility to help potential residents and interested people understand what it is like to live here and what the community expects relative to policies and agreements. (See Section 3.1 above for a more complete description of the Buddy group’s work) General principles for CEG activity ideas: We feel that community members will build stronger connections if we have an opportunity to get together REGULARLY in many different configurations, (small groups, meal club, potluck gatherings, community conversations) and do things that get us interacting in creative ways (whole community celebrations like Solstice, Founders’ Day and End of Summer Bash; Talent-No talent, Halloween, etc.) Our intention to "enhance community" in many different ways, to match the interests of different people, and our goal is to build connections and compassion for one another. In preparing our budget each year, we construct a calendar, to ensure there is something every month, and add some interesting (to us) and varied ways to engage with each other about things other than Trillium Hollow business. 2.4 Common House Team The Common House Team is responsible for all tasks related to the maintenance, upkeep, and overall beauty of the Common House except for the heating system and children’s areas. The heating system is handled by the R & M team. The children’s areas (children’s room, rumpus room, picture boards, and Creekside Room play areas and apparatus are handled by the Children’s Team. The Common House team meets at least monthly. If any issues arise concerning the Common House, anyone is encouraged to attend the meetings and discuss with the Team. Examples of managing the Common House include: recommending and getting agreement on room use as needed; following through on agreements concerning the Common House secured in general meetings; planning for and coordinating redecorating, remodeling, and upgrading of rooms on a regular basis; identifying and reporting needs for repair or maintenance beyond regular upkeep to the Repair and Maintenance team; keeping the house clean and ready for use by any activity scheduled for the house; monitoring the Common House for misuse, disarray, or other issues; sweeping outside walks, decks and entries regularly; and managing guest rooms including policy compliance and use. 2.5 Repair and Maintenance (R&M) When things go wrong, the R&M Team rises to the rescue! No hot water? Call a member of this Team! Tree branch blows through your roof? Call a member of this Team! The Repair and Maintenance team is tasked with keeping the Trillium Hollow constructed property in good repair…a short description that has a very long list of tasks, including the routine maintenance of: hot tub, lighting, elevator, boiler and heat system, Workshop, Common House, bridges, fences and playgrounds, and maintenance within our units other than that which is the responsibility of the owner. Annual tasks include gutter cleaning, building maintenance, pressure washing, safety tours, and organizing the workshop. The Workshop comes under the umbrella of R&M. Workshop Scope of work (9/26/2007): - To equip, supply and maintain the workshop under Unit 101 so that it is: o Safe for adults, young adults and children o Sufficient to meet the needs of the Repair & Maintenance, Landscape, and Common House and other teams o A resource for emergency and disaster recovery efforts (e.g. water drying fans and plywood to cover broken windows and tarps for leaking roofs - To provide residents an opportunity and location to: o Learn about how to safely use tools and equipment o Complete personal projects including: assemble or repair home consumer products, wood working, painting, plumbing, electrical, computer, automotive and bicycle repair, basic metal working, crafts such as ceramics, jewelry making or folk art. 2.6 Building and Grounds (BAG) This team works diligently to keep the Trillium Hollow “hardscape” property tidy and looking spiffy. Members spend time each week sweeping, power-washing, blowing, or raking the many hardscapes, which include the second-floor courtyard and third-floor walkways, all stairways and walkways, the elevator and laundry area, the plaza and driveway circle, upper and lower driveways and sidewalks, Common House decks maintenance, and sweeping out the garage. Our property is constantly visited by shedding needles, leaves and other debris, so our efforts are ongoing. One way we generate commitment to the effort is to offer various areas around the property for “adoption.” For instance, you may want to “adopt” the sidewalk area adjacent to your and your neighbors’ units, and make it your project to sweep it twice a month for 20 minutes or so. This is a great way to assure a certain amount of monthly Work Share time, as well as appreciation from those who traffic the area. The BAG Team also oversees the Recycling program at Trillium, including the area under the main stairs for sorting recycling items not collected by our Garbage Service. 2.7 Landscape Team What you will see as you walk around the 3.6 acres of property at Trillium Hollow is the result of our effort to use the principles of “naturescaping” in designing and planting the area. A Naturescape is a landscape that contains mostly “native” plants, those that have evolved within an area, in contrast to more conventional landscaping which focuses on creating a certain look with the use of a variety of plants. You will notice that we have also included some of the historically favorite non-native shrubs and perennials mostly in our “Ecclectic Garden”. The benefits of Naturescaping include the elimination of the need for chemical pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides so often used on more conventional landscapes. Native plantings, once established, reduce the need for water, thus conserving fresh water. Another important benefit is that this type of landscape promotes biodiversity and encourages wildlife. We are committed to using only organic fertilizers and pest control measures. The Landscape Team meets monthly (see the community calendar for meeting date, time and place) to plan, problem-solve and discuss landscape issues, such as: veggie garden, weeding, watering, invasive removal, tools/needs and repairs, planting, mulching, paths and path maintenance, stream corridor maintenance to name a few... Generally, the team leader calls for agenda items in advance so if you have ideas about an area you would like to improve, you can always come to the team and ask and discuss. Trillium monthly work parties often focus on the Landscape, such as blackberry removal, path mainten